'Superstar K' Park Bo-ram dies of heart attack

article: Park Bo-ram dies, cardiac arrest while drinking with friends… Police request autopsy
source: Via Daily Sports Nate
[+164, -3] Honestly, there are so many news these days about young people dying from heart attacks…
[+56, -2] I think I had an arrhythmia…
[+49, -3] May you rest in peace… How unfortunate you are at such a young age.
[+22, -4] I hope in heaven I can sing all the songs I couldn’t sing… at such a young age.
[+9, -1] I noticed she was really thin. Perhaps being underweight was the cause. Many studies show how dangerous being underweight can be.
[+6, -2] I wish celebrities and YouTubers would refrain from promoting drinking culture… What a loss of young life.
[+2, -0] Unfortunately, I have seen cases like this even in people in their 20s and 30s. They don't figure out the symptoms because they think they had a bad day and randomly pass out or die in their sleep.