Yulhee revealed the truth about Choi Minhwan.

article: “Choi Minhwan went to a prostitution establishment, and even put money in my chest” Yulhee reveals
source: Via Sports Chosun Nate
[+203, -3] What people forgot: When Choi Jong-hoon (who went to Burning Sun jail) was hiding, he was hiding at Choi Min-hwan's house.
[+151, -0] I trust him because he hid Choi Minhwan in his house.
[+127, -9] Wow, so you're saying he spent thousands of dollars on prostitutes and then complained on TV about paying for his kids' education? If you send them to 3 English classes, 5 million won a month is easy. Also, Yulhee didn't try to make an income. She started selling on YouTube and Instagram after giving birth to twins…
[+54, -0] oh my god
[+28, -1] It's bold of these guys to play the victim on TV and let their wives get hated on. It's crazy that Yulhee stayed quiet the whole time despite being hated. No wonder she finally called it quits. And she just said that. I exposed someone.
[+20, -0] Wow, that guy is disgusting
[+16, -2] I hope those who hate Yulhee will pay back three times~
[+13, -0] I mean, from Yulhee's perspective, she was trying to keep this all as quiet as possible for the kids… I know people keep saying, “Think of the kids, think of the kids,” but why don’t kids deserve to know the truth?
[+12, -1] The only people who tell me to think about the kids are people who are angry because they can't hate Yulhee anymore.
[+10, -0] Wow, I would have never guessed he would do something like that with that kind face…
[+10, -0] Oh, imagine how unfair she felt. Please listen to the recording, that guy is so disgusting.
[+8, -0] Daebak
[+6, -0] The fact that he leaves the house anywhere is quite shocking, and I had no idea that he had Choi Jong-hoon hiding in his house. He played such a good father role in 'The Return of Superman', but the thought of him doing this behind the camera gives me goosebumps…
[+3, -0] Awesome shock, I feel so sorry for Yulhee
source: Nate
[+84, -8] I believe her… It couldn't have been easy to choose to leave three children behind. It shows us that what we see on the outside is not everything.
[+70, -2] When Yulhee exposes the truth, all the idiots like “neutral” and “thinking about the kids” come out lol. Don’t make excuses for the adulterer’s actions.
[+52, -6] Oh, Yulhee was so hated… I can imagine how unfair it must have been to expose something like this, and I wonder if Choi Minhwan's custody will help anyone in the end. ..
[+7, -0] If you listen to the recording, it's a mess hahaha. The pimp is also begging Minhwan Choi to go home hahaha.