
Yoo Jae-suk Completes Extreme Tax Investigation Without a Spot of Dust

article: “Not a speck of dust” Yoo Jae-suk, released without charges in high-intensity tax investigation

source: Insight via Mydaily + Instagram via Nate

[+754, -0] Don't touch our Yoo Jae Suk

[+264, -0] Leave Yoo Jae-suk alone and go after the politicians —–

[+283, -0] What did the auditors expect from him?

[+227, -7] As expected from our country's MC. He lived in the spotlight for decades, setting a good example for others, and always donating to charity. I hope other celebrities learn from him.

[+120, -1] Much better than politicians who, when you tap them on the shoulder, make the dust fly away.

[+99, -0] I wish someone like that would go into politics.

[+44, -0] Yoo Jae-suk, who is free of dust, is amazing

[+41, -3] And the photo selection used in this article~ How perfect~

[+30, -0] Of all the people the Board of Audit and Inspection could target…

[+7, -0] There's a reason he's been around for so long. He's just awesome.

[+7, -2] It is truly a national treasure.

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