
Yang Jae-woong and Hani's wedding postponed… to deal with patient death case

article: 'Patient Death' Yang Jae-woong, Postpones Wedding with Hani… “I Apologize Directly to the Family of the Deceased”

source: Top Star News via Nate

[+109, -1] Now is the time…

[+88, -0] He had no intention of apologizing. Only now, with public sentiment turning against him, did he decide he wanted to put on a show.

[+63, -2] What do you mean by “intention to apologize”? Do you think you are God? Do you really call that a statement?

[+42, -0] That patient died a long time ago, so why did he die only now?

[+10, -0] Show Doctor and his Trophy Wife

[+7, -0] What do you mean by “I'm willing to apologize”??? You should have been on your knees and begging for forgiveness a thousand times by now. How can you say something like that when you just took an innocent life?????????

[+6, -0] It's like being forced to apologize to a complete wall. Is it already this late?

[+4, -0] Wait, then this guy hasn't even apologized in all this time..?? Who is this guy… Honey, don't marry that guy.

[+4, -0] The patient's family raised their voices, saying, “He never saw us protesting in front of the hospital, and the apology was just a media play.”

[+3, -0] He's basically a murderer… and you think an apology will make that go away?

[+2, -0] This is your last chance, Honey… Run away.

[+2, -0] “As for personal apologies, I am willing to apologize at any time.” Was there really nothing else he could have said? “It is imperative that I apologize.” Or “I was not in the right frame of mind to apologize, but I will.” Or “I was unable to contact my family.”……

[+1, -0] This is far beyond what an apology can solve.

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