'Water Bomb' Queen Kwon Eun-bi Appears

article: Eunbi Kwon, Waterbomb Queen's gorgeous visuals
source: Newsen via Nate
[+88, -5] Is this an old photo? ㅋㅋ
[+47, -2] I don't think plastic beauties are real beauties.
[+27, -0] All she's known for is water bombs, but people might think that's the title of her song lol.
[+27, -6] She was pushed down the rankings by the support of Signature.
[+5, -0] This is her last year as queen.
[+4, -0] Now that she's rich enough to own a building, she doesn't have to bother with these things anymore.
source: Izitmag Instagram
[+185] It's so blatant that people say she's gained weight, but how much thinner do you want her to be?????????
[+15] I'm not in a position to judge, but I think she needs to lose some weight around her sides…
[+152] She didn't deliver this year
[+77] She played it safe this year
[+161] Comments like this are not true. Anyone who wears an elastic waistband like that will have their skin fold over it. It's just how skin works. Her body is amazing in every way, and she's even better now that she's fat… tsk
[+54] Your clothes weren't that great lol
[+29] I originally planned to just wear a blue top, but I think it looked too much, so I ended up wearing a white top.
[+20] She did great, I wasn't disappointed at all.
[+20] These comments are crazy;;;;
[+2] You know she's earned all the money she needs now
[+0] I just wonder how long she can make a career out of her breasts lol
– [+10] Are you jealous???
[+0] You've earned a lot of money so your clothes have become really neat ㅋㅋㅋㅋ