TOP’s acting in ‘Squid Game 2’ "unbearable"?

article: ‘Drug rapper’ T.O.P. cannot watch ‘Squid Game 2’ due to his strange acting
source: OSEN via Nate
[+338, -8] I wonder what that person or the director was thinking. lol
[+235, -9] My facial expression was always the same, and I hated it when it broke the flow of the broadcast.
[+180, -8] His acting is so bad
[+78, -149] Was he really that bad? I didn't notice
[+58, -208] I'm sick of all these witch hunts… It's easy for the media to make people angry as long as it's labeled as something else. I see a lot of people hating him who haven't even thought about watching this movie yet.
[+26, -3] That person was really bad
[+17, -2] Too much acting.. doesn't suit the role..
[+15, -2] His hyperactivity cheapened the show. Personally, I liked season 2, but T.O.P’s acting cringed. I would have preferred someone else to take on that role instead of such an ugly person.
[+11, -4] Other than Gong Yoo, I couldn't find anything particularly worth watching for 'Squid Game 2'.
[+11, -3] There are countless actors who can perform at this level, and there was absolutely no reason to cast him!
[+8, -3] TOP's acting is really bad
[+7, -3] The acting is so cringeworthy and hard to watch and I'm so glad the character died.
[+2, -0] I don't really like T.O.P., but his acting wasn't bad. He actually played the pathetic character well.
[+2, -0] If you forget that he is the TOP of Big Bang, he is good. I think what people misunderstand as T.O.P’s acting ability is his erroneous text writing.
[+2, -0] He wasn't that bad. It's annoying, but it's not terrible.
[+2, -0] His personality was the annoying type, but his acting wasn't bad except for the rapping part.
[+1, -0] Yeah, I don't think it's because of the actor, the character itself just seems to have shrunk.
[+1, -0] They could have cast anyone for this character, but I think they would have hated it because the character was so weird.