Top, controversy appears in teaser of new film 'Squid Game 2'

article: Despite the release of the teaser for 'Squid Game 2', criticism continues for 'Why is it TOP of everyone?'
source: TV Daily via Nate
[+90, -0] Just looking at the screenshot gives me goosebumps.
[+64, -0] Maybe it will heighten his personality
[+40, -0] It's a huge waste of space to put TOP on top of such a famous work.
[+15, -2] If you don't like it, don't watch it, pigs, but I bet you will.
[+9, -0] He's had other movies fail because of his casting. Now it's 'Squid Game 2'. This is truly unfortunate.
[+7, -0] i won't watch this
[+6, -0] I don’t know why Squid Game 2 bothers to cast like this.. haha.
[+1, -0] There must have been other actors besides him… He was probably there because he was close to Lee Jung-jae.
[+1, -0] Because you pigs won't actually boycott anything.
[+0, -0] They criticize directors who continue to cast such problematic characters, and view all of us as pigs who will take whatever is thrown at them.
[+0, -0] I really wonder what the casting criteria are… Do the directors seem to know that idiots will watch anything so we don't care?
[+0, -0] 'Squid Game' is already a hugely popular show around the world, so we know there's no need to cater to Korean sentiment. Since overseas viewers are more tolerant of drug use than ours, the directors don't mind Koreans struggling against it.
[+0, -0] He's best friends with Lee Jung-jae haha. Only Koreans are angry and no one internationally cares. So in this industry it's important to have a thick skin and keep moving.