
[THEQOO] Today's press photo of Seraphim's Kim Chae-won reminds netizens of IZ*ONE.

It reminds me of the IZ*ONE daysㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

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Source: Deoku / translation: KpopNetizen
Today, reporter Seraphim Kim Chae-won's photo reminds netizens of IZ*ONE.

1. She's pretty, but I think she looks better with a different hair color.

2. Chaewon looks prettier in this style ㅠㅠ

3. This style suits you best.
4. They look like IZ*ONE members ㅋㅋ

5. She is so cute

6. Feeling like I'm in IZ*ONE
7. I really remember that time.

8. Wow, I thought it was IZ*ONE's Kim Chaewon.

9. That hair color and style really reminds me of IZ*ONE.
10. The last picture is so cuteㅜㅜㅜㅜ You look younger.
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