
[THEQOO] Red Velvet's Joy surprised everyone by revealing a photo she took with her mother.

Red Velvet's Joy revealed a photo taken with her mother.

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Source: Deoku / translation: KpopNetizen

Red Velvet's Joy surprises everyone by revealing a photo she took with her mother.

1. They look so similar, they're so cute.

2. The princess gave birth to a princess!

3. Joey looks a lot like his mom!

4. Wow, they look the same.

5. Wow, mom's genes are amazing ㅠㅠ Joy resembles her mom a lot.

6. Wow, it looks exactly the same, it's so pretty!

7. I gasped when I saw his mother.
8. Mom is so pretty ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ She looks just like Joy.

9. Joy is so pretty, just like her mother.

10. I saw Joy's future.
11. How is your mother's beauty…?

12. Wow, Joy takes after her mother.

13. Joey will become more like his mother as he grows older.
14. I wondered where Joy's beauty came from, and after seeing this picture, I understand.
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