
[THEQOO] New Jeans, Min Hee-jin mentioned in acceptance speech, causing a stir

New Jeans Award Speech “I really love and thank you, CEO Min Hee-jin, who always worries about us and protects us.”

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Source: Deoku / translation: KpopNetizen
Min Hee-jin's mention in New Jeans' acceptance speech is a hot topic.

1. I've wanted to see New Jeans for a long time… ㅠ That's all ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
2. I don't know about anything else, but the mentality of New Jeans friends is definitely strong.

3. New Jeans, fighting!

4. The girls were wrong. Now, Min Hee-jin is only in charge of directing. The CEO is Kim Joo-young.
5. I wish New Jeans were better

6. I wish New Jeans could do better. What are the members' mistakes?

7. Min Hee-jin isn't even the CEO right now, so why bother?
8. I don't like Min Hee Jin, but I hope she does her best for New Jeans.

9. But NewJeans is a real woman and full of courage.

10. I sincerely support New Jeans…!

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