
[THEQOO] Lee Hyori's Vogue pictorial shoot site

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Comments: [155]
Source: Deoku / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Lee Hyo-ri's Vogue pictorial shoot.

1. Wow, it's Lee Hyo-ri after all.
2. She is a superstar after all.
3. I regret my hair color.. I always feel like I'm looking at a photo from 10 years ago.
4. This is so luxurious. It's the best. The fourth picture is the one I chose.
5. As expected, Lee Hyo-ri’s charm is amazing.
6. She is pretty in every way.
7. Lee Hyori is Lee Hyori
8. Oh, has it been a while since I’ve seen such aesthetics?
9. Pretty
10. Superstar…really shines.
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