
[THEQOO] Korean netizens were shocked by Park Bo-gum and Daniel's double take.

Park Bo-gum and Newjin Daniel will have a showdown today.
It reminds me of Paradise Kissㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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Source: Deoku / translation: Ketizenstars
Article: Korean netizens shocked by Park Bo-gum and Daniel's double take

1. I think Park Bo-gum is really cool.

2. These two go really well together.

4. Wow, it's a paradise kiss;

5. Daniel is like an angel.

6. What kind of romance comics am I reading?
7. Daniel is crazy ㅠㅠ

8. They both look like dolls, they are both so pretty.

9. It looks like something out of a romantic comic.
10. Daniel is like a character from a romantic comedy.

11. Wow! Daniel's facial features are crazy.

12. Daniel is really like a doll.
13. Oh my gosh, they look like a princess and a prince.
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