
[THEQOO] Illit Wonhee cut her hair and is getting a good response.

My previous hairstyle was often criticized for being too voluminous and long and looking stuffy.
Here's a picture of me recently cut and dyed my hair brightly.

“Fuck, Wonhee's face is crazy”

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Source: Deoku / translation: Ketizenstars
Illite Wonhee cut her hair and is getting a good response.

1. The baby is so cute.
2. Wow~ The suffocating feeling has disappeared.
3. It's funny that it appeared in the HOT category in just 9 minutesㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. Wow, she looks much better. I still get a hot feeling whenever I see her.
5. Oh, it's really pretty ㅠㅠㅠ It's so cute and pretty
6. Wow Seriously, it looks a lot better. Before it got too busy.
7. No, but he had too much hair.
8. Wow, the stuffy atmosphere is gone.
9. Wonhee is pretty and cute ????
10. You're so pretty ㅠㅠ baby baby
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