
[THEQOO] Hyuna and Yong Junhyung's wedding photos

On the 2nd, OSEN exclusively obtained the wedding photos included in HyunA and Yong Junhyung's wedding invitation. In addition to the photos that acquaintances posted on SNS that morning, the newly obtained wedding photos contain lovely moments between the two.

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Source: Deoku / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: HyunA and Yong Junhyung's wedding photos.

1. Hyun-ah, be happy
2. I want them to be together forever.
3. At the time, I liked the dragon's face, but it turned out that I had relied too much on eye makeup.
4. Never cut ties… I hope HyunA is happy and lives well…
5. You are a good match~ Be happy!

6. We are a good match, so please stay together in the future????
7. Did they take these pictures themselves?
8. No… It's like a photo shoot…
9. Hyun-ah, I really liked you… Don't look back and just go and find happiness. Live well and prove your worth. I think I'd be really upset if you weren't happy.
10. The two of you… hang out together… heh
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