[THEQOO] Blackpink Lisa – Rockstar (Official Music Video)
Blackpink Lisa – Rockstar (Official Music Video)
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Source: Theku / translation: Ketizenstars
Written by: Blackpink Lisa – Rockstar (Official Music Video)
1. Lisa is a great dancer.
2. I was curious as to who sang the song, so I looked it up and found out that Lisa participated in writing the lyrics and composing the song.
3. Feminism?
4. I don’t really like MVs
5. Lisa is so fucking hip. The dancing quality is crazy.
6. The song seemed simple, but Lisa was so cool that it seemed crazy. She was really cool.
7. She played the crazy role very well.
8. She is very talented. The song is good, but the lyrics are a bit difficult to understand.
9. Singing is not my style, but Lisa did it really well.
10. You chose a really good song and music video.