A collection of Instagram updates from Girls' Generation members celebrating their 17th debut anniversary

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Source: Deoku / translation: KpopNetizen
Article: A collection of Girls' Generation members' Instagram updates celebrating their 17th anniversary.
1. Congratulations on Girls' Generation's 17th anniversary
2. I think it was edited because Sunny was in the US and couldn't attend.
3. Sausage is really great. How can everything be so good, so appropriate, and so beautiful?
4. They are all so cute
5. I looked it up out of curiosity, but it looks like Sunny can't come because she's in the US.
6. Happy 17th anniversary, Soshi!
7. Wow, that's really cool, congratulations!
8. Kwon Yuri is a famous comedian.
9. The best thing about idols is that the members are close to each other.
10. Is Yuri the only one who doesn't know the dress code? ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
11. Happy 17th anniversary, you are all so pretty.
12. Sosi was pretty for 17 years.
13. I love Girls' Generation
14. Happy 17th Anniversary, I Love You Sosi