article: New Jeans from NJZ Name Change … “Isn't it initials?” VS “NJZ is perfect sound” split reaction
source: Sports news through x nate
[+252, -139] It doesn't matter what their name is. NJZ is confident that it may be difficult to get used to now, but it will soon be used to. I hope they promote happily for a long time.
[+214, -112] Here are the Hibe staff members who have disagrees with hatred again.
[+186, -62] New jeans NJZ fight !!!
[+178, -62] All boomers in the idol industry are absolutely useless, and your opinion is important. The exit is over there …
[+149, -35] I hope it will be much higher than they were. Seeing the first interview with CNN shows that they are on a different way.
[+108, -16] This hatred comment is no longer creative.
[+89, -18] They terminated the contract according to the terms and conditions. Agencies like Ador allowed artists who did nothing, but they are not eligible to suffer from hatred, images and achievements. Ador will speak proudly and start a new stadium without new jeans, so NJZ continues to do so to achieve your dreams without interference.
[+83, -14] Is Ador running to protect the brand value as if there is a brand that is worth protecting ?????? See all the HYBE employees and the work they have done about their images. It will support NJZ to file a lawsuit against the MV director who photographed four music videos.
[+62, -13] I will never understand the logic of Hybe ajusshis, who keep defending Hybe. Well, why did a company that brings as much money as new jeans put it in a back burner for two years? Most companies don't want to get wet with cows by participating in the World Tour, which had two albums a year and signed a contract for seven years?
[+51, -13] We hope that all your grandfathers will focus on the rigging elections instead of wasting commentary on the idol industry. ;;
source: Insight through Instagram
[+354] The group was able to stay quietly and choose an easier way, but instead, he chose to adhere to morality and to make changes. I wish them the best.
[+129] My words, people will use NJZ, but they will still be called new jeans on their heads.
[+11] It's really hard to say
[+19] NJ Z …? It's a bit difficult to say, but ???? I like new jeans
[+32] NJZ ????️❤
[+4] Wow .. Hibe is working hard as a brigade
[+29] Jeans
[+15] The name is just … it is attached to your mouth.