[THEQOO] SISTAR's Hyorin Thinks About Next Generation Summer Queen Group
SISTAR's Hyorin Thinks About Next Generation Summer Queen Group

“I think SISTAR’s spot is still SISTAR’s spot.”

But that's it Haha …
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Source: Deoku / translation: KpopNetizen
Article: SISTAR's Hyorin Thinks of Next Generation Summer Queen Group
1. I don't know. I think Sistar should make a comeback as a 4-member group…
2. Don't just talk about it! Prove it with a comeback.
3. Honestly Summer Queen? I still don't think there's anyone who can replace Sistar.
4. I'm not sure… but if you come back right now, I'll admit it.
5. I think I need to prove it with a comeback.
6. Please prove it with a comeback.
7. Please give me the album
8. I don't know. I think you need to prove it with a new song. (Please)
9. Even now when I listen to it again, I really like Sistar's songs.
10. The real queen of summer is Sistar