
Sugar, Blood Alcohol Test Results Reveal He Was Drunk Despite Claiming He Only Had One Glass of Alcohol

article: BTS Suga, another lie 'exposed'… not a glass of beer, but enough to test 'plaster'

source: Sports Trend via Nate

[+184, -17] Sugaya, are you really trying to ruin the hard work that the group has built up for the past 11 years with your mouth??? Get out, get out, get out

[+121, -8] As I always say about drunk driving, the first time you get caught is never the first time.

[+100, -10] I think this was a habit for him and he was just unlucky enough to get caught this one time. I hope the celebrities call a cab. I'm sure the cab drivers don't know who you are, Sugar.

[+71, -14] Hello… Thank you for your hard work for BTS so far.

[+31, -17] In the future, it seems that Haibe will push for more activities overseas rather than in Korea.

[+11, -0] He must have been intoxicated by the fame and wealth BTS had amassed and thought he was above the law.

[+9, -0] I think BTS will really become Zero Sugar now

[+6, -2] On the other hand, why would anyone lie when they all know the truth will come out anyways.. ㅠㅠ I was so out of my mind that I didn't even know what I was saying, I think people thought I had had a beer.


[+235, -19] His apology was only a few lines long, and not a single word of it was true. It’s scary to think that if he hadn’t been caught this time, he would have continued to act this way.

[+162, -13] I'm so mad at Suga. You did something wrong, I hope you realize it and reflect on it. Poor members… Especially the oldest Jin, who left because of you, so it looks like he won't be able to promote.

[+154, -13] It's still disgusting that he used media play like a kickboard in the apology statement. LOL That guy and that company really made fools of the people.

[+99, -15] So he went out drinking on a work day, got drunk, got in a car, made a statement full of lies… Do you think this is his first experience? He should be out of the industry…

[+98, -15] Calling a scooter a kickboard doesn't excuse your crime.

[+19, -6] It was a huge shock to the other members… The guy who was talking big about military service ended up like this while doing public service… I can't stand it anymore because he lied about drunk driving.

article: BTS Suga, 0.227% 'Gypsum' Test Results Could Be Sentenced to Up to 5 Years in Prison

source: Dong-A Ilbo via Nate

[+110, -16] Suga, just leave the group. Keep it clean. Don't let it affect the other members. You saved a lot of money. Live well with it. Don't tarnish BTS's name like this.

[+74, -9] Does anyone believe this was his first experience?

[+55, -9] Bang Si-hyuk must have thought BTS without Sugar would lack sweetness, so he went to meet 'Fruit Juice' (cam girl's name)

[+29, -8] He's gone too far…

[+27, -7] Wow~ 0.2+… That's the highest drunk arrest I've seen in a while. Yeah, it's definitely not the first.

[+14, -7] I've never seen test numbers this high. It's crazy.

[+13, -7] I was drunk lol It's not a number that comes from one beer can lol

[+13, -7] He is crazy

[+10, -0] It's over for him. It was an attempted murder. How did he spell the name BTS, tsk tsk.

[+9, -0] He's crazy. He should be happy that he's alive. If he tests down to 0.22, he can barely hold his body up. Did a public service soldier drink this much from the beginning?

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