article: Kim Ye-ji, Changes Mind After Refusing to Appear in 'Action' “I Will Accept TV Appearance Offer”
source: Insights through Instagram
[+496] I think when an opportunity comes, it's better to grab it. Don't limit yourself.
[+354] I hope she flies high
[+251] If the opportunity comes, you must grab it.
[+167] To all those who are being critical of her decisions, please worry about yourself… She's getting offers left and right, Louis Vuitton commercials, movies, dramas, American companies sponsoring her, why don't you grab every opportunity and secure her financial future? Worry about yourself lol
[+39] When the opportunity arises, you must start the engine.
[+93] Now is her time to shine. People and things tend to be forgotten over time, so we cannot expect this fame to continue into the future.
[+60] It's all about the future, and it's good that she's paving the way for future generations to earn more.
[+14] It doesn't matter which way you row, once you start you have to keep rowing.
[+32] Her current fame is only a short-lived anecdote, but it is still a good opportunity for her to go out and promote less popular sports categories. She can secure her finances and worry about other opportunities after her fame fades.