SM announces large-scale legal action against BoA's malicious comments

article: BoA's side “Malicious comments cause great mental distress… Large-scale lawsuits will be filed at home and abroad.”
source: OSEN via Nate
[+302, -6] But honestly, I think it would be best if she didn't act.
[+135, -11] Back in the days when everyone complimented me on how pretty I was and made a lot of money, I didn't care at all~~ But now, I'm in a situation where people don't even listen to what I want… Anyway, I agree that legal action should be taken against those who cross the line.
[+132, -266] Haha, I was waiting for BoA's legal response. Haha, sue all the crazy people who waste their lives criticizing celebrities. Nate Pann has it all so grab it all haha.
[+65, -99] Yes, it's easy to see what a difficult time she's having right now… people need to back off;;
[+52, -0] I don't know what 'malicious comments' are in their eyes, but I think BoA is trying to look at herself objectively. She needs to learn to admit the truth, but she denies everything and gets angry at people who say such things… I feel like her personality stopped developing in her teenage years!
[+34, -1] Obviously personal attacks against her are wrong, but I don't think comments about her face looking weird because of something she did don't count as hate comments.
[+26, -0] I don't know what kind of malicious comments she was so hurt by, but most of the comments I saw reflected her current reality. Poor acting skills, outdated music, performance style… Why is all of this perceived as hateful? That's the comment I saw, but I don't know what he was reading… What does he want? Does she have nothing but praise for her?
[+26, -0] Of course, you're not suing her because she said “your acting is terrible” or “your acting is distracting”, right?
[+25, -1] I think the recent malicious comments about BoA are out of control, but I also think BoA has acted in a way that increases the malicious comments.
[+17, -0] Perhaps she should consider life outside of the celebrity spotlight. Did you really think that saying ‘I am BoA’ would cause more malicious comments?
[+15, -2] Hahaha
[+12, -0] Is it a malicious comment to say that the acting is bad now?
[+11, -1] Sue whatever you want. It will only make your image worse. The only comments I saw were the truth about you. Lack of acting skills, unnatural face…
[+11, -0] I do not know. When I saw her acting on TV, I always thought she was an easy-going person, but it seems she is more sensitive than I thought. I hope she understands the difference between criticism and hate when she makes her case.