Seyeon Fan Club Representative Embedded in Bang Si-hyuk Scandal

article: Se-yeon Fan Club Representative Reveals Position on Bang Si-hyuk Rumors: “Don't Care Who He's Dating”
source: Wikitree Instagram
[+1,033] Actually, no one “cares”. They just think it's dirty ????
[+791] If you think Bang Si-hyuk is the fan club leader, please recommend him
[+460] Even the HiB staff must have thought it was so stupid that Bang Si Hyuk just met with the girls and mentored and gave them advice on how to catch industry scammers ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+433] I thought the fan club leader was Bang Si-hyuk lol Why does the leader think his opinion is important?
[+256] The fan club leader is probably Bang Si-hyuk
[+196] Guys….Bang Si Hyuk deserves praise for putting in so much effort to bury the Sugar scandal…!!!!!!!
[+14] Bang Si-hyuk has always preferred young women with nice bodies… He shouldn't be hanging out with these women in public like this, it's too vulgar.
[+74] I still only see Kim Jong-un..
[+84] Guys, that guy is single, just leave him alone.
[+6] If the fan club leader is the one who runs the entire fan club, why is he telling people to touch the grass? Lol
[+11] Korea's DiCaprio haha
[+65] The girl on the right is also a half-naked camgirl
[+102] Then why did that person take that picture?
[+7] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I wonder how much they paid for it
[+19] Hahahahaha I can't help but laugh hahahahahahaha