article: Golf fan Ryu Jun-yeol attends the Masters as caddy for professional golfer Kim Joo-hyung
source: Insight through Instagram
[+202] So I guess he's completely done with the polar bear thing.
[+131] I don't want to see that person anymore
[+64] There is no more news about him….
[+38] So what
[+26] Oh well anyway…
[+10] I'm sorry for hating his face so much, but I don't want to see his face on my feed.
[+11] I can't stand that guy
[+14] Frustrating
[+7] I hate it so much now ????
[+3] no one cares
[+1] Since I was hated as a celebrity, should I switch to becoming a caddy now?
[+1] The image looks so trash lol.
[+0] I can't stand him… I'm so scared that he stands back quietly while these two women take in all that hate.