K-Pop insiders claim to be concerned about New Jeans' negative impact on youth.

articleNew Jeans scandal seen through the eyes of industry insiders: “New Jeans has a serious lack of understanding of the K-pop business, and there are concerns that it will have a negative impact on youth.”
source: TV Daily via Nate
[+113, -36] Hive is doing media play even during the Lunar New Year holiday. It's amazing haha.
[+88, -14] As always, “anonymous insiders” lol, I’m sick of it.
[+85, -31] TV every day again on it
[+84, -19] Negative impact on youth? Don’t you think the leaked document full of negative comments about your idol’s appearance is more negative?
[+78, -8] The only negative impact here is Hybe's internal documentation. I wonder what insiders think about this.
[+37, -1] “Anonymous Insider”? Yeah, it’s obvious what company you’re from haha.
[+10, -1] It's always funny how people who defend the hive always choose to remain anonymous lol. They go out of hiding and refuse to come out lol.