
[PANN] Wow the pictures of Karina and Winter are crazy

They both show the 'female devil' in their own way, and the fact that they are blonde and black hair is also a very cute combination. Karina is so sexy and Winter is so cute.

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answer: [+83,-60]
Comments: [23]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Wow, the photos of Karina and Winter are crazy.

1. [+51,-8]
This is also good
2. [+44, -7]
Winter is a mischievous and cute demon who likes to play pranks on humans, while Karina is a charismatic demon who scares humans.
3. [+40, -6]
This is crazy! Is that happening at Tokyo Dome today?
4. [+40, -4]
That damn picture is absolutely disgusting…
5. [+38, -4]
Crazy… awesome
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