
[PANN] Winter changes his phone very often

Views: [88,892]

answer: [+26,-45]
Comments: [36]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Winter changes her phone very frequently.

1. [+97, -7]
The comments below are causing a ruckus. Many celebrities have multiple cell phones.
2. [+94, -6]
The comments below show an inferiority complex just from changing phones lol
3. [+92, -8]
Why are the comments so chaotic? Haha. I can really feel how popular Winter is.
4. [+90, -3]
Don't feed the trolls lol Winter still causes a lot of controversy even after changing phones lol

5. [+89, -4]
People who hate winter are always lying about their approval ratings whenever they feel overwhelmed by their inferiority complex.
6. [+76, -101]
Your face changes often
7. [+58, -4]
They wear a variety of colorsㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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