Japanese all-girl group Unicode prepares to debut with a ‘GFRIEND’ feel

article: 5-member rookie girl group, debuted on April 17, ‘Second Girlfriend’ Unicode
source: Idol issue through Instagram
[+123] There is no ‘second girlfriend’, a girlfriend will always be a girlfriend.
[+119] All the members are Japanese, so how can they become ‘second girlfriends’? All GFriend members were Korean.
[+40] They are all Japanese, so why are they working in Korea? That's what I want to know. I would understand if at least one of the members was Korean… Are there any members who speak Korean fluently?
[+18] As a buddy… my heart breaks ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ There is no second time. Please don't use your girlfriend's name.
[+14] Don't you dare use your girlfriend's name carelessly;; No other group can replace the atmosphere of that group. Unless you're Viviz.
[+13] Stop talking nonsense*
[+5] I only have one girlfriend
[+2] Just as fans aren't disappointed that GFRIEND is shutting down their business due to their agency, they aren't thankful that their name is being used in another group's viral marketing…