
[PANN] Why did Karina fix her hairline?

If you look at the before pictures, her baby hair was growing out so beautifully. Her hairline was much more natural and pretty back then.

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answer: [+36,-13]
Comments: [20]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Why did Karina fix her hairline?

1. [+40, 0]
Isn't it full of black hair powder? I once saw a video of people with thinning hair filling their crowns with hair powder to make them look thicker.
2. [+38, -1]
It feels like the hairline has been filled in with powder. I think it's common among celebrities.
3. [+29, -2]
I love her new hairline because it makes her look like AI.
4. [+28, -1]
She is pretty and looks good.
5. [+24, -2]
But after fixing her and giving Karina a unique aura, she looks like an AI.
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