
[PANN] What did you think of New Jeans’ Supernatural?

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Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: How was Supernatural in NewJeans?

One. [+145, -11]
There are many people who think this song should have been released instead of So Sweet. Honestly, I think this song is better, but ADOR must have put in a lot of effort to debut in Japan, and since they filmed and collaborated at Tokyo Dome, it makes sense that they wrote this song. For Japanese debut. Sweet feels more like a middle album, so I'm looking forward to the full album. If their Japanese debut was like this, they would have sharpened their knives for a full-length album.
2. [+112, -10]
It's a song I personally liked a lot, but there are many people who say this song is better than How Sweet, and city pop enthusiasts also think so, and since the rainy season is coming soon, I think it's even more true.
three. [+95, -12]
The song is amazing and I always thought so, and New Jeans really knows how to choose the choreography.
4. [+70, -11]
I was listening to the rhythm while working haha.
5. [+59, -24]
To be honest, I think it was a strategic mistake. Supernatural and How Sweet should have been swapped… Supernatural should have been a Korean title, but it was the perfect version of Attention.
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