
[PANN] Unpopular opinions about Kiss Of Life

It's closer to Mamamoo or Sistar than BP.

Views: [19,934]

answer: [+116,-18]

Comments: [18]

Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Unpopular opinions on Kiss Of Life.
1. [+49, -4]
I like them all, but I think they're closer to Sistar than Mamamoo
2. [+35, -1]
Between Mamamoo and Sistar… They lack the refreshing charm of Sistar and the singing ability of Mamamoo, but they are a group with a mixed image.

3. [+22, -5]
No, I think they're closer to Sistar than Mamamoo. They have that sexy and healthy summer queen vibe.
4. [+21, -17[
Para ser honestos, su apariencia no es lindaㅋㅋㅋ su canción más reciente es muy buena y están optando por el concepto sexy. Pero su apariencia es más bien promedio.
5. [+12, -9]
But KoL never called itself the second BP. The antis are the ones making a fuss.
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