[PANN] This photo of Lisa is legendary
crazy;; incredibly pretty
Views: [91,755]
answer: [+116,-81]
Comments: [45]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen
Article: This photo of Lisa is legendary.
1. [+25, -1]
It's incredibly beautiful. This picture is probably very similar to what it actually looks like.
2. [+18, -11]
That actress has a vibe.
3. [+17, -4]
Lisa is like a doll in person lol I was surprised when I saw her in Myeongdong or Seoul. Years have passed
4. [+16, -5]
They released a teaser and I want to see the music video soon. I think it will be really pretty.
5. [+15, 0]
It's pretty♡