
[PANN] NMIXX Oh Hae-won, her face is underrated

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Comments: [84]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

NMIXX Oh Hae-won's face is underrated.

1. [+197, -34]
You can't just consider a person's face. You can't ignore the overall impression that his physical presence gives. At first glance, her face may look pretty, but when I know her overall proportions, I perceive her as just an interesting person. I've never thought she was that pretty.
2. [+121, -36]
She looks different on TV than in her selfies.
3. [+115, -17]
I think faces are evaluated fairly, and if you're really pretty, I don't think you'll be underestimated even if you're a comedian.
4. [+97, -10]
Of course, the photos come out pretty, and you can choose the photos you want… Her face is really pretty, and her proportions are regular, and she's not a goddess-level beauty, but she's just pretty…
5. [+82, -15]
Her face and facial features are really pretty… + Her skin is also incredibly light, like A4 paper… But her proportions are a shame, and she's being promoted as a gag character, so her looks are being underestimatedㅜㅜ
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