
[PANN] Mimi's style is really great

That must be because he's smart, right?
I watched Killing Voice and you really stood out in the group photo.
Of course, since you have experience, you can also offer your own opinion.
But fans always leave negative comments whenever he does something like this.
I think we should also take fans' opinions into consideration.

Views: [209,723]

Answer: [+341,-24]
Comments: [102]
Source: board / Translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Mimi's style is truly amazing.

1. [+120, -4]
To be honest, if he had stuck to his own style from the beginning, it wouldn't be helped, but since he's receiving attention on a variety show and acting like this, I think he's just too stubborn.
2. [+66, -2]
Why is Michael here? (T/N: “Michael” for reference)

3. [+62, -2]
I didn't think it would be that bad, but I was speechless when I saw it…
4. [+27, -21]
To be honest, I think you're making a fuss. Even though they're a group, each person has their own personality, but you're forcing them to be too similar…; The members and the company are all fine, but people here keep complaining because it's annoying. It's becoming more and more old-fashioned. Why do people try so desperately to put down someone who stands out and doesn't look strange or wrong and just think, “Oh, that's that kind of member?”
5. [+17, -1]
Changes after becoming popular? What the fuck?
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