
[PANN] Lisa is now much more sophisticated.

It's a bit coincidental, but I had this feeling while watching his old videos.
Lisa's stylist during her debut days… and her style was really not pretty, sorry but it looked old fashioned… It's not that Lisa wasn't pretty, she was just so-so. Her hair and makeup weren't that pretty either… and her outfit was too similar to Jennie's.
And when I looked into it recently, I found that the style seems much more beautiful and sophisticated.

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Comments: [274]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Lisa is now much more sophisticated.

1. [+61, -14]
Time has passed and I don't know if I thought the clothes I wore back then were pretty, but I can't deny that the BP stylists have always done a great job.
2. [+32, -0]
It's true that BP's styling discriminated against the other members, but it's normal to feel old-fashioned when you look at old photos… But there were a lot of pretty outfits, but you only posted the worst ones. BP is a small group, so if there's someone who stands out even though they're really ugly, it goes without saying how good their stylist is.
3. [+31, -2]
Yeah, I totally agree. I feel like the image has changed a lot.

4. [+26, -2]
I don't think it suits the original idol style, and I think it doesn't suit if the saturation of the outfit is too high.
5. [+25, -2]
My style has improved so much since becoming an ambassador for Celine and Bulgari in 2019.

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