
[PANN] Kiss Of Life Encore's shield is shocking

2nd and 3rd generation groups such as BEG, SISTAR, MAMAMOO, and GFriend never missed a single performance when attending local events.
How do fans defend themselves when they say they couldn't sing an encore because their vocals weren't in good condition due to their schedules?

It just depends on your actual skill level.
View: [52,045]

answer: [+350,-38]

comment: [53]

Source: board / translation: Ketizenstars

Article: Kiss of Life Encore's shield is shocking.
One. [+124,-4]
However, if the two members can't speak due to their schedules, I think there's a problem with their singing ability. As a fan, rather than making excuses, I should tell them to improve their skills. Their voices are not solid and have too many decorations, so they sound unstable except for the sky.
2. [+97, -7]
Maintaining your voice is also a skill… Natty is in danger of losing her voice. Everyone needs to change their skills.
three. [+90, 0]
Sky seems to be consistently performing well. His voice is solid and pleasant. Julie raps more than she sings, so she doesn't have many problems. However, Belle and Natty seem to have techniques that don't suit them well. Her singing is unstable, especially Belle. Belle relies too much on whistling notes in almost all of her songs and also sings high notes, which seems to strain her voice. Her voice also seems a bit weaker than Sky's. So I think there are more problems with her tone. This makes his playing seem shaky and he gets tense in his high notes. They need to take their voice health seriously.
4. [+80, -6]
It's not bad, but I think fans overestimated their abilities too much, so I think that's why there's such a negative reaction.
5. [+61, -5]
I've seen a lot of short films about their encore performances and I thought their talent was underrated so I asked them to perform at Coachella. Honestly, they were a bit disappointing. They need to change their singing technique or practice more. It's not like they can ignore other groups.
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