
[PANN] Jeon So-yeon is too much

Views: [84,399]

answer: [+159,-35]
Comments: [51]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Jeon So-yeon is too much.

1. [+207, -18]
I am reminded of a company that supplies without demand.
2. [+150, -9]
I want to do a sexy concept, but my body type is too childish… I think there's a gap between what I want to do and what suits me.
3. [+87, -10]
So I think he's a bit too much ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+50, -10]
I'm amazed at how healthy people are here. Even the men take their shirts off and everyone is fine.
5. [+34, -39]
She did it two days in a row and the on-site response was amazing, but people always criticize her for being too much. Kids are paying to see this, so if you hate it, just don't go.
6. [+26, -3]
It only looks at women, but this is closer to the male gaze.
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