
[PANN] Jenny signed a contract with a foreign company.

Jenny signed a contract with a foreign company.
Jenny signed with a company called Columbia Records.
Artists include Adele, Beyoncé and Harry Styles.
I think he'll be back soon.

Views: [114,500]

answer: [+209,-61]

Comments: [62]

Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Jenny Knight signed a contract with a foreign company.
1. [+40, -10] Kim Jennie's solo comeback in October. The single is scheduled to be released in October, and the album is expected to be released around November or December.

2. [+31, -6] The website was blown up

3. [+28, -5] It's confirmed that we'll be returning in October… I'm so excited.

4. [+27, -5] I'm so excited, so excited.

5. [+23, -7] Jenny is finally back ㅠㅠ
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