
[PANN] ITZY Comeback Album Cover Leaks, Ryujin Fans Anger

The album cover has been leaked ITZY is back and Ryujin fans are furious
Even in the photos I took in passing, that aura remains.
Where is the lipstick?
Where is the hair, makeup and costume?
What about that scarf?
Click here to see Ryu Jin's recent photos
She is so pretty.
She is so pure and pretty.
There are many complaints about why Ryu Jin came wearing a red scarf and why she didn't have any makeup or hair done.
I really love taking photos of polo events.
I'm a fan of other groups but I know ITZY fans feel bad.
I think we need to take another look at the album cover.

Views: [68,378]

answer: [+118,-13]

Comments: [54]

Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

ITZY's comeback album cover has been leaked, angering Ryujin's fans.
1. [+29, -1] This happened to me a long time ago and now I've lost hope.

2. [+26, -0] This is a comeback with all the members, and it's been a while since Lia came out, what is this… Even if we put our heart into it, it's still not enough.

3. [+26, -0] Oh no, this pretty girl………….
4. [+24, -0] Yeah?… It's not that he's ugly, but taking pictures of such pretty women is a kind of talent;;

5. [+20, -0] This is what they do to a pretty girl… Damn it
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