
[PANN] Irene and Suho attended Espa's concert together.

They seem close. Apparently they continued to talk together.

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Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Irene and Suho attended the Espa concert together.

One. [+56, -5
¿Por qué es esto sorprendente? ㅋㅋㅋ Originalmente eran cercanos. No hay forma de que no lo fueran. Entrenaban juntos y tenían muchas actividades que se superponían. Además, hay muchos eventos de líderes de SM a los que ambos asistieron.
2. [+52, -3]
Yes, couples are not seen together in public like that. When you see a male celebrity and a female celebrity dating, you often feel at ease because you probably don't think they are dating.
three. [+49, -4]
It feels like real friendship haha.

4. [+18, -1]
As a fan of EXO and Red Velvet for 10 years, I know that if they were dating, they wouldn't be seen together in public like this. It's nice to see them getting along well.
5. [+14, -2]
If you're an Irene fan, you probably know that Irene would never be interested in dating someone with a personality like Suhoㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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