
[PANN] I really want a face like this

Rather than facial features, I want a small, pretty face like Luca.
I like the shape because it is so unique.

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answer: [+86,-12]
comment: [42]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

article: I really want to have a face like this.

One. [+21, 0]
But she looks very pretty. Every time I pet her, she started looking tough and then started getting cute again. He handles various concepts well.
2. [+13, 0]
The harmony of the face is excellent.
three. [+10, -1]
The small face is really deceptive…

4. [+7, 0]
Why does he look so similar to Wonhee here?

5. [+5, 0]
The more I look at her, the more I think she is the prettiest.
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