
[PANN] I didn't know, but Yeji is beautiful

His facial features and face shape are perfect.

Views: [84,687]

answer: [+143,-44]
Comments: [58]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: I didn't know, but Yeji is beautiful.

1. [+10, -1]
She's a real natural beauty, but it makes me even crazier…

2. [+10, 0]
Yeji, I think it's something unique

3. [+9, -2]
The more I look at Yejin, the more attractive she seems.

4. [+8, -5]
When will people stop making fun of me for Karina's pictures?
5. [+8, 0]
It's really so pretty, but it's a shame that not many people know about it.
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