
[PANN] I couldn't recognize Kazuha here

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answer: [+188,-24]
Comments: [57]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen
Article: Kazuha was not recognizable here.

1. [+55, -8]
So facial harmony is important in a group… Not everyone can look pretty, but if you compare the two girls in the middle who don't look that good in the picture, Kazuha stands out.
2. [+37, -18]
The neck is so long that the neckline is pretty.
3. [+28, -18]
4. [+24, -14]
She still looks like Kazuha, but without the baby cheeks. Now she just looks prettier.
5. [+23, -1]
No, but I don't hate Seraphim, but the 5 of them appear a bit strangely… ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why did you choose this picture?
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