
[PANN] I can't believe that Yua is 30 years old.

I think she's 28 in international age. Anyway, she looks younger when she grows out her bangs.
Views: [125,590]

answer: [+210,-42]

Comments: [63]

Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: It's hard to believe that Yua is 30 years old.
1. [+82, -7]
Usually, people in their early 30s look like they are in their 20s, but it is true that Yua has a young face.
2. [+65, -6]
The moment you look at her, you feel sorry that she could have beaten someone much bigger.
3. [+49, -2]
It was so pretty at that time

4. [+38,-4]
Most people look young in their 30s, but there are also people who look old in their 20s and younger in their 30s. There are many celebrities in the entertainment industry like that, right?
5. [+35, -3]
Her face is also very small and lovely, so she looks much younger than she actually is. Hahaha, she's cute.
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