Joo Ji-hoon reveals to the media that Iljin is a victim of bullying

article: Joo Ji-hoon exposes school violence victims, “Iljin should not appear on TV”
source: OSEN via Nate
[+223, -24] But can a drug addict appear on TV? This person is funny hahahaha keep your mouth shut ㅜㅜ
[+76, -23] Haha, I went to high school with that person. Is he really claiming that he had no friends at school?? I have no idea he was bullied, but I remember his friends being total thugs, so I don't know why he decided to ignore that part of his story. Maybe that's over now, but it's funny how he acts like he's just a good kid in school.
– [+22, -1] I mean, he never claimed to be good at studying.
– [+14, -3] He's not a gangster himself, but what if his friends act like gangsters? Phew~ If you went to school with him, you would have been in your 40s too. Take more time to do it lol.
[+67, -11] Haha, personally, I'm a fan, but… I shouldn't comment on the Iljin scandal when I'm causing a drug scandal myself…
[+22, -50] It's not like someone else has become a victim of their drug use.
[+17, -1] You're giving good advice.. Basically, if you dream of becoming a public figure, be a good person haha. But if Iljin thinks that shouldn't be the case, I'm curious about his stance on drug addicts appearing on TV.
[+10, -2] Do you think that the image of yourself that people have forgotten has now been completely erased? Hahahahahahaha
[+5, -1] Maybe he did drugs, but I don't think he traumatized anyone enough to make them a victim for life.
[+4, -0] I agree. School bullies should not be given the opportunity to make easy money anywhere.
[+2, -0] I'm not sure if he's the right person for this message…
[+2, -2] Drugs are one of the hardest things to quit, but he did it and hasn't been embroiled in a scandal since while pursuing his acting career…what more could you want? I think I have reflected enough…
[+1, -0] I didn't know he was a victim.