
[PANN] Haerin was really pretty yesterday

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Comments: [16]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Hae-rin was really pretty yesterday.

1. [+18, -1]
Her hair, makeup, and styling were really beautiful yesterday. I loved it so much ㅠㅠ Watching her dance reminds me of her Cookie days

2. [+17, -2]
Is it Sawako?
3. [+16, 0]
Wow, it's really Sawako.
4. [+16, -1]
Wow, she really looks like a character from a video game. She's so pretty.
5. [+15, -1]
I want to see more loose bangs, but I only wear them a few times when I travel abroad ㅠㅠ Please do bangs and straight hair more often.
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