HyunA-Yong Junhyung Announce Engagement Ahead of October Wedding

article: [Exclusive] Global K-pop couple born…HyunA-Yong Junhyung, wedding scheduled for October 11th
source: YTN via Nate
[+120] It was an incredible wedding beyond words.
[+88, -13] Hyuna always liked him so much that she even dated a guy who looked like him. Yong Junhyung didn't give her space no matter how many times she asked him to date her ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I think she finally came back to OG… I hope they're both happy
[+47, -0] They will have to live the rest of their lives reflecting
[+43, -1] It just goes to show that you never know who you're going to end up marrying…
[+9, -1] Sorry, but 'global K-pop' is…
[+8, -1] Hyun-ah, it's not too late….run….
[+7, -1] I wish they would both move abroad and leave us alone.
[+6, -1] So that's why the guys who normally don't care about such things apologized ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Because they knew the wedding was just around the corner. It's better for you two not to care about anyone and not to show your faces on variety shows.
[+5, -1] Yeah.. of course.. you both live happily.. we just want you to stay away from our TV
[+3, -0] Imagine what their agency must be feeling right now
[+2, -0] I always thought she would marry Don.
[+2, -0] It hasn't even been a year since it was listed??
[+1, -0] Ahh…
[+1, -0] I never thought I'd actually get married lol
[+1, -0] This is funny lol