
[PANN] Female idols who became a hot topic for their airport fashion

Female idols who became a hot topic for their airport fashion

Legendary… Asaya

View: [38,265]

answer: [+66,-47]
comment: [29]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Female idols who became a hot topic for their airport fashion.

One. [+53, -5] Asa is pretty and dresses well, but her tie looks a bit uncomfortable…

2. [+47, -6] The filter is harsh.
three. [+27, -1] It's really pretty, but I don't know what kind of fashion it is…

4. [+16, -1] Looks like a Chinese TikToker

5. [+6, -0] Queen Asa

6. [+5, -0] It's pretty even without a filter, but the filter is too much.

7. [+5, -0] I think it would look better without that tie.

8. [+5, -2] I know she's pretty and smart, but what's the rumor?
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