
[PANN] Did HyunA have her lip filler removed?

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answer: [+209,-6]
comment: [37]
Source: board / translation: Ketizenstars

Article: HyunA, did you remove your lip filler?

One. [+63, -3]
You can see that person's face in 4 minutes.
2. [+41, -2]
I think you'd be really pretty if you just fixed your eye makeup.
three. [+31, -7]
The problem is not the lip filler, but the fact that the scars on her face are too severe and that she has side effects from plastic surgery.
4. [+8, 0]
It would have been perfect if I had taken off my dark circles and worn regular glasses.
5. [+6, -1]
Seriously, it looks so much better. She had such a unique and naturally beautiful face, why did she ruin it with surgery? It's such a shame;;
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