
[PANN] Celebrities Who Praised New Jeans Today

“The best concert of this generation, I was so moved and excited”
Sim Eun-kyung


Kwon Eun-bi

No matter how much you try to attack and denigrate them, everyone in the industry supports NewJeans. There must be a reason why you want to continue supporting them.
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answer: [+267,-103]

comment: [62]

Source: board / translation: Ketizenstars

Article: Celebrities who praised New Jeans today.
One. [+90, -8]
Lee Yu-bi, Girl's Day Sojin, Park Gyuri, and Bibi are praising New Jeans' activities. They're just trying to attract those fans.
2. [+78, -8]
Lee Dong-hwi holding a New Jeans bag lol
three. [+73, -7]
Up until now, there have been countless celebrities who have shouted out for New Jeans. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's heartwarming to see so many celebrities cheering for New Jeans.
4. [+64, -5]
Gyuri, Vivi, and Shim Eun-kyung are really like rabbits.. They mention Newjin so casually all the time, I wish I could meet them someday…
5. [+42, -8]
A lot of people are rooting for them.
6. [+22, -2]
Looking at Kara's Park Gyuri's Twitter, it seems like she really likes New Jeans ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She also gave Shinbi and Vivienne a thumbs up, she's actually really popular.
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