Netizens Report Jennie Smoking Allegations to Italian Embassy for Investigation

article: Jenny, accused of 'diplomatic rudeness' after smoking indoors
source: Sports Chosun via Nate
[+153, -13] It's really important to be humble when you're at your peak of fame. Unfortunately, she lives in the delusion that she's the best.
[+113, -10] What a shame for this country, tsk tsk. How can you still act like this at such an old age?
[+79, -7] She's quite a problematic figure, but YG has been protecting her so far.
[+68, -58] It's strange that someone who claims to be a fan would report her so quickly.
– [+31, -5] Only real fans will report an artist for doing something bad. Look at Kim Ho-joong's fans. That's how they continue to support criminals. A good fan will make sure the artist is on the right path.
– [+28, -8] What does being a long-time fan have to do with pointing out what's wrong?
[+14, -2] Where is the “diplomatic rudeness”? Jenny didn't come as a diplomat either, lol. She's just looking for reasons to dislike me~
[+8, -2] Okay, reporting it to the embassy is a bit much.
[+7, -4] I don't understand why people argue about this. Smoking indoors is not right.
[+6, -2] Could this be called an abuse of power over employees? Is this the second Irene?
[+5, -3] If she was still a rookie, would she have been able to smoke like this in front of the makeup staff? Absolutely not…
[+4, -2] People seem to think v*pes is okay, but it's still bad for those around them.
[+3, -2] Smoking is not a big deal to me, but it was wrong in the presence of her staff…
[+3, -2] She pretends to be a good girl and then turns around and blows smoke in the employees' faces lol
[+2, -3] downfall
[+1, -0] This makes me completely lose respect for her.. I've always thought people who smoke indoors are so inconsiderate.
[+1, -0] Just imagine what it would have been like if one of her employees was pregnant…

article: Jenny, no official statement on smoking in front of employees… Restaurant illegal parking scandal becomes a hot topic again
source: Newsen via Nate
[+22, -0] Why is he acting like that? LOL He's not even young, he's 30 years old. Why is he acting like this? Tsk tsk
[+13, -0] Since YG treats her like a princess, she seems to think she can treat her employees like slaves.
[+12, -1] In addition to the restaurant parking scandal, there was also one time when he showed up late to an Adidas event and made Beckham wait, and another time when he forced Jang Do-yeon to waste time.
[+8, -1] It's so funny that she thinks it's okay to do that.
[+1, -0] If Yoo Jae-suk was sitting next to her, would she have smoked like that? This is where the abuse of power rears its head. We all know that the makeup staff didn't like it, but Jennie had to say it was okay because she was above them in power.
article: Blackpink Jennie, Smoking Indoors? YouTube Video Deleted
source: Sports World via Nate
[+54, -2] Wow, look at her blowing smoke while people are around… It shows her personality very well.
[+48, -1] Didn't she always get out of breath when she went to concerts? She doesn't seem to have a problem smoking.
[+18, -4] Wow, that girl smokes like she came out of a commercial where she smokes.
[+8, -0] Poor video editor, he's probably getting nagged right now.
article: “Finally Exploding” Blackpink Jennie, 'Personality Controversy' Caused by Smoking Indoors -> Embassy Report
source: Sports Chosun via Nate
[+47, -5] She has kept it a secret for the past ten years. It goes without saying that she boldly blows smoke in the face of another family's precious daughter or son.
[+20, -0] Haha, for an idol, you've managed your image really well haha
[+15, -0] It only takes a moment for a celebrity to lose everything. She may not hit rock bottom from this, but her image is definitely taking a hit.
[+14, -1] If it was someone else I would be surprised, but if it was her I'm not surprised at all;;
[+3, -0] She's a bitch~~~
[+2, -0] She went too far
[+1, -0] People need to learn to enjoy idols just for their image, and stop confusing their image with their real selves.